Nguyen Ayi


1.5 Million Ghosts Haunt Humanity for Saying “Scamdemic”

By Ngyuen Ayi

A staggering 1.5 million ghosts are relentlessly haunting humanity. But wait, it’s not just any random remark that upsets them. These tormented souls are particularly vexed whenever they hear someone utter the word “scamdemic.” As the spirits of the deceased walk among us, it appears they are on a unique mission to teach us a vital lesson about compassion, empathy, and, of course, vaccine distribution.

Among the spectral throngs, there are countless anguished souls who, through no fault of their own, were unable to receive vaccines in time. These unfortunate apparitions now hover in a state of eternal aguish, bemoaning the fact that they missed their opportunity to experience a prick and a sore arm. And it is these specters, the vaccine-deprived ghosts, who have now united to seek justice for the living.

The Ghost of Dick Ferrel told The Beat, “Boo! It’s frightful how unconsciously banal the term ‘scamdemic’ is, hauntingly devoid of any semblance of cleverness!”

With about 270 million people fortunate enough to have received the vaccine, there’s a large portion of society wandering through their ethereal afterlives, perpetually irritated by jokes about the “scamdemic.” These jibes, they argue, trivialize the pain and suffering endured by countless families who have lost loved ones during this challenging time.

The ghosts claim that it is insensitive for vaccinated individuals to joke about a tragedy that devastated so many families and left them, the unvaccinated ghosts, wandering aimlessly in the spiritual realm. They argue that a little empathy and understanding would go a long way toward ensuring a more harmonious coexistence between the living and the seemingly undead.

Do we really want to be haunted by their wails of displeasure? Should we not strive to create an inclusive society, even for the spectral remnants of those

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Breaking News: Half Minute of Silence Rock Saigon as Barista Accidentally Bumps WiFi Router

In a city known for its bustling streets and lively atmosphere, Saigon experienced a moment of sheer chaos today when a local barista accidentally bumped into a WiFi router, resulting in an unprecedented half minute of silence. This shocking incident occurred at a popular trendy café, leaving patrons stunned and on the brink of conversation.

Earwitnesses described the scene as surreal, with coffee cups clattering to the floor and incredulous gasps echoing through the establishment. The sudden silence threatened to spark actual human interaction, as people nervously looked around, unsure of how to cope without the comforting hum of background noise. It was a heart-stopping moment indeed.

Mai Linh, a regular customer at the café, managed to capture the intensity of the situation. “I couldn’t believe it!” she exclaimed, shaking her head. “It was like a scene from a horror movie. People were looking at each other with wild, panicked eyes, but no words escaped their lips.”

Fortunately, not all hope was lost, as the majority of customers skillfully survived the calamity with their 4G cell phone connections still intact. With a collective sigh of relief, they reassuringly stared at their phones, grateful for the digital companionship and social validation they provided.

Just as an awkward conversation was on the brink of breaking out between two strangers, however, a middle-aged man heroically stepped up to save the day. He began blasting Skibidi Toilet Episodes – a playlist infamous for its ability to disrupt uncomfortable situations.

The café’s atmosphere quickly transformed, and patrons once again returned to their comfort zones of online browsing, selfies, and meme-sharing. The episode of silence was but a distant memory, banished by Skibidi Toilet Episodes, the ultimate weapon in maintaining the sacred solitude of individual social media bubbles.

The café’s management was quick to address the … Read more


Vietnam’s Trucks Have Under-Ride Guards, Why Not In America?

Highway truck accidents have always been a cause for concern worldwide. Despite numerous technological advancements in automotive safety, the absence of under-ride guards on trucks remains a dangerous oversight according to reports from Frontline and ProPublica. By analyzing this striking disparity with countries like Vietnam, where regulations mandate under-ride guards, we are prompted to question the role of lobbyists and their impact on the safety of citizens.

The Risk of Under-ride Collisions

Under-ride collisions occur when a smaller vehicle, such as a car or motorcycle, becomes wedged beneath a larger truck in the event of a rear-end collision. In these scenarios, the car’s protective structure is rendered ineffective, leading to catastrophic injuries and fatalities.

Devastating Statistics

According to recent reports, under-ride accidents account for a staggering number of deaths and severe injuries each year in the United States. In another investigative piece from ProPublica, it is shown that for decades, the Department of Transportation and trucking industry have rejected safety devices meant to prevent these underride crashes.

Consider the case of AnnaLeah and Mary Karth, whose lives were cut short due to an under-ride collision. The absence of under-ride guards on the truck involved prevented them from surviving the incident. Unfortunately, this is just one of countless tragedies that could be avoided if proper safety measures were implemented.

Comparing Global Standards

Interestingly, countries like Vietnam have recognized the dangers posed by under-ride collisions. Vietnamese highway trucks have under-ride guards as a safety feature. This has significantly decreased the number of fatalities resulting from such accidents, reflecting a commitment to safeguarding citizens’ lives.

The Role of Lobbyists In The USA

Despite the evident success of under-ride guards in reducing fatalities and injuries in other countries, the United States has been slow to take action. This hesitancy can be … Read more


Ho Chi Minh City Police To Inspect Foreigners’ Residences

Satire by Karen Cohen

Ho Chi Minh City Police Department has recently devised a scheme to inspect the residences of all foreigners within the city. Their obsession? None other than the underwear foreigners are wearing. Why is the Ho Chi Minh City Police so interested in our undergarments?

During a recent inspection at an American expat’s residence, Officer Nguyen Tuan expressed his bewilderment, stating, “I’ve never seen a boxer brief style bathing suit before! They looked rather strange to me, like shorts that got caught in a pants factory malfunction.” Tuan continued, scratching his head in confusion, “And 100% cotton? Is that some secret code for international espionage?”

Another officer, Officer Tran, remarked that foreigner’s underwear often smelled like cabbage. “I mean, seriously, have they switched to cabbage-scented fabric softeners? It’s a scent that has forever engraved itself into the deepest recesses of my olfactory system.”

But it didn’t end at underwear. The inspection also ventured into the realm of foreign socks. “I have been a police officer for over two decades, and never before have I seen a pair of socks that weren’t green,” exclaimed one officer, still in a state of shock.

Unfortunately, Officer Linh expressed his disappointment, citing a lack of a “proper sample size” to investigate fully. Referring to the period when foreigners were purged from the city during the COVID lockdown, he lamented,

“It’s a shame we couldn’t lay our hands on more underwear to sniff during those difficult times. I hope that with the upcoming multi-month, multi-entry visa policies, we can finally indulge our olfactory senses to the fullest!”

While it is an undeniable fact that foreign direct investment plays a significant role in driving Ho Chi Minh City’s economy, it remains to be seen whether inspecting foreigners’ abodes for underwear choices is the … Read more

Expat Voices

Expat Expertly Dissects COVID-19 Vaccine

Opinion Based On Facts By Karen Cohen

An Expat named John is unaware of the meaning of “clinical trial”.

Ho Chi Minh City – In a stunning display of ignorance and audacity, an expatriate residing in this bustling metropolis has taken it upon himself to boldly question the safety and efficacy of the meticulously developed COVID-19 vaccine.This self-proclaimed expert confidently dismisses the tireless efforts of scientists and medical professionals. Brace yourselves for an extraordinary journey into the mind of the vaccine skeptic!

One of John’s favorite rallying cries is that the vaccine was ‘rushed,’ asserting that safety cannot be guaranteed due to the rapid nature of its development. It seems John’s selective amnesia has conveniently overlooked the extensive clinical trials and regulatory procedures that took place worldwide. These trials involved tens of thousands of participants, ensuring a rigorous evaluation of safety and efficacy.

John, in his delusional hypothetical world, seems to believe that the scientific community just went, “Oh well, let’s just throw this vaccine against the wall and see if it sticks.” In reality, the development of vaccines went through standard phases – starting with preclinical trials, where the vaccines were extensively tested on animals to determine their safety and efficacy. These tests were followed by Phase I, II, and III clinical trials, involving thousands of human participants, which meticulously evaluated the vaccine’s efficacy, side effects, and long-term impact.

But wait, the absurdities don’t end there! John also avidly claims that corners were cut during the vaccine development process. Sorry, John, but the vaccine development timeline was not dictated by workplace procrastination or a ‘Fast and Furious’ mindset. The unprecedented global effort combined the expertise of countless scientists, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies worldwide. They utilized the latest technology, collaborated extensively, and adhered to countless protocols to expedite the development … Read more


Tỵ Béo, Thịt Chó Lẩu Chó Dog Meat Restaurant Review

By Nguyen Ayi

In the bustling streets of Hanoi, one cannot help but stumble upon a hidden gem: Tỵ Béo, Thịt Chó Lẩu Chó, a courageous establishment that pushes the culinary boundaries by serving man’s best friend as a delicacy. Long recommended by local media, prepare for an extraordinary adventure as we embark on a positive journey through this groundbreaking restaurant’s menu. Let’s shed light on the taste sensations and unique cooking techniques that elevate Tỵ Béo, Thịt Chó Lẩu Chó to unparalleled heights.

Upon entering Tỵ Béo, Thịt Chó Lẩu Chó, patrons are greeted by a captivating ambiance that blends traditional Vietnamese decor with a touch of canine-themed charm. From the moment you set foot inside, you’ll be embraced by the aroma of adventurous possibilities, setting the stage for an unconventional dining experience.

Menu Highlights:

Pup Pâté Surprise, a delectable appetizer that tantalizes the taste buds with its smooth and creamy texture. The combination of finely ground tender meat, a hint of spices, and a dash of irony creates a culinary symphony that even the most discerning connoisseurs would admire.

Canine Curry Conundrum, a dish that showcases the versatility of dog meat. The chef’s innovative twist on traditional Vietnamese curry combines tender chunks of dog marinated in flavorful spices, resulting in an explosion of flavors that will keep you coming back for more. Be warned, though, this dish isn’t for the faint-hearted, as it will challenge your preconceived notions about food in just the right way.

Barking Braised Delight, a true testament to the kitchen’s craftsmanship. Here, the meat is slow-cooked to perfection, allowing the flavors to seep into every fiber. The result is an astonishingly tender and succulent experience, with delectable hints of canine charisma lingering on the palate.

Paw-sitively Spicy SoupRead more


Vaccines vs. Uncle’s Cigarette Habit

By Nguyen Ayi



In a world where an astonishing 270 million people, or a whopping 81% of the population, have readily received the COVID vaccine, one peculiar individual named Stan stands tall as the eternal skeptic.

Bucking the trend of lifesaving success stories, Stan confidently asserts that the vaccine is unsafe due to his uncle’s unfortunate encounter with cardiovascular distress.

While countless lives have been shielded from the clutches of this deadly pandemic, Stan’s skepticism remains steadfast. After all, why should the unprecedented success shared by millions be enough to convince him otherwise? Stan has ignored a peculiar correlation between his uncle’s chain-smoking habit and his aversion to embracing the vaccine’s protective embrace. According to him, since his uncle Paul, who smoked four packs a day, suffered a heart attack, it only makes sense that a similar fate awaits those who trust the vaccine.

Unfazed by the countless scientific studies, test results, and the collective medical expertise of the global community, Stan unabashedly discards the whole vaccine saga as a mere charade. Certified medical professionals, international regulatory bodies, and a plethora of trusted scientific institutions may claim that the COVID vaccine is safe, but they stand no chance against Stan’s Uncle Paul’s tale of woe.

In a world striving to curb the devastating impact of COVID-19, opinionated individuals like Stan add a touch of comic relief to otherwise tense conversations. Ignoring the monumental task of coordinating distribution efforts to ensure billions are vaccinated, Stan champions the cigarette-heart attack alliance as an immutable truth. His reasoning might baffle most logical minds, but the allure of anecdotal evidence remains stronger than any peer-reviewed study.

While the vast majority walks hand-in-hand with science and progress, Stan struts down his own peculiar, self-proclaimed path of skepticism. Vaccination rates soar, and public health … Read more