Nguyen Ayi


Experienced English Teacher Yearns for Job Listings Filled with Administrative Bullshit and Minimum Wage

One experienced English teacher has revealed his secret desire to escape the confines of the classroom and instead seek out job listings that include an abundance of administrative nonsense and dubious perks. Mr. Grumbleton, a seasoned educator who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. According to him, the last thing he wants to do is be in the classroom teaching, and he actively looks for a place that offers mind-numbing bureaucracy and lackluster professional growth opportunities.

“I’m tired of inspiring young minds and making a difference. What I really crave is an environment that’s filled with as much administrative bullshit as possible,” Mr. Grumbleton confessed with a forlorn expression. “Why settle for engaging lessons and enthusiastic students when I can have endless paperwork and tedious meetings? It’s the dream.”

For Mr. Grumbleton, the ideal job listing includes phrases such as “professional development,” “workshops,” and “training.” These triggers send waves of excitement throughout his body as he envisions countless hours spent in mind-numbing workshops that contribute very little to his actual teaching abilities. “I love it when they dangle the promise of growth and learning, only to provide me with PowerPoint presentations that would make anyone question their career choices,” he chuckled.

To add to the allure, Mr. Grumbleton finds it particularly appealing if the job requires him to build demo lessons from scratch. “Because let’s be honest, what I’d really like to do instead of teaching is spend countless nights brainstorming and meticulously crafting perfect lessons, ensuring that my creativity is exhausted even before I step into the classroom,” he explained with a hint of sarcasm.

Another teacher, who we will refer to as Mrs. Gung-Ho, shares Mr. Grumbleton’s unconventional cravings. “Oh, I absolutely love it when there are excessive classroom observations,” she chimed in. “Nothing gets my adrenaline … Read more


OBSTRUCTION: Trump requested staff member erase camera footage

The indictment adds additional charges of obstruction and intentional withholding of national defense information, resulting in a grand total of 40 criminal counts in the ongoing classified documents case.

Cố vấn đặc biệt của Hoa Kỳ Jack Smith đã bổ sung ba cáo buộc hình sự mới chống lại Trump, nâng tổng số cáo buộc lên 40. Ngoài ra, Carlos De Oliveira, một nhân viên bảo trì tại khu nghỉ dưỡng Mar-a-Lago của Trump, đã bị buộc tội âm mưu cản trở công lý vì bị cáo buộc hỗ trợ. Trump trong việc che giấu tài liệu. Theo các công tố viên Hoa Kỳ, Donald Trump đã chỉ thị cho các nhân viên tại khu nghỉ dưỡng ở Florida của ông xóa các video an ninh khi đang bị điều tra vì lưu giữ các tài liệu mật. Một nhân viên thứ hai, De Oliveira, được cho là đã thông báo với một đồng nghiệp rằng Trump muốn xóa các video an ninh sau khi chúng được Bộ Tư pháp trát đòi hầu tòa.

De Oliveira cũng bị buộc tội nói dối FBI trong một cuộc phỏng vấn tự nguyện, khai man rằng không liên quan đến việc di chuyển các hộp tài liệu mật tại Mar-a-Lago. Khi bị các đặc vụ thẩm vấn, De Oliveira phủ nhận mọi thông tin hoặc sự liên quan. Luật sư của De Oliveira vẫn chưa bình luận về các cáo buộc.

Những cáo buộc này được công khai ngay sau khi Trump thông báo rằng các luật sư của ông đã gặp các quan chức Bộ Tư pháp để điều tra nỗ lực lật ngược kết quả bầu cử năm 2020 của ông. Điều này cho thấy rằng các cáo buộc hình sự bổ sung chống lại Trump có thể sắp xảy ra.… Read more


Vietnam’s Rare Earth Mining Expansion: Profits And Green-Washing?

Opinion by Karen Cohen

Vietnam, known for its vast untapped rare earth resources, is ramping up its efforts to expand mining activities in this sector. The potential economic benefits are undeniable, with billions in profits expected for both energy companies and government-connected oligarchs. However, amidst these promises, questions arise concerning the environmental impact of rare earth mining and whether governments are truly prioritizing sustainability or merely engaging in green-washing.

Vietnam’s Rare Earth Potential:

Vietnam has joined the ranks of China, Russia, and Brazil as one of the world’s leading countries in terms of untapped rare earth resources. According to the U.S. Geological Survey’s Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2023, Vietnam boasts a staggering 22,000,000 metric tons of rare earth reserves. Furthermore, a plan signed by Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha reveals Vietnam’s goal to mine two million metric tons of rare earths annually by 2030 (Tuoi Tre).

Environmental Concerns:

The negative environmental impact of rare earth mining is well-documented, and it is vital to discern whether governments truly prioritize sustainable practices in their pursuit of profits. China serves as a cautionary tale, with its rare earth industry causing severe damage to the ecological environment, including the destruction of vegetation, pollution of surface water, groundwater, and farmland, and even landslides and clogged rivers (China’s State Council).

The Danger of Toxic Waste:

Both the mining and processing of rare earths contribute to mountains of toxic waste, leading to significant environmental and health hazards. For every ton of rare earth produced, staggering amounts of waste are generated, including 13 kg of dust, 9,600-12,000 cubic meters of waste gas, 75 cubic meters of wastewater, and one ton of radioactive residue. Rare earth ores often contain radioactive thorium and uranium, resulting in particularly detrimental health effects. In total, the production … Read more


Ho Chi Minh City’s Sidewalk Fees Threaten Its Vibrant Street Food Culture

Opinion By Kate Cohen

The sidewalk fees, as proposed by the authorities, are nothing short of a ‘poor tax.’

Ho Chi Minh City, with its bustling streets and delicious street food, has long been regarded as a food lover’s paradise. Sidewalks filled with fragrant stalls serving affordable and tasty culinary delights have not only become an integral part of the city’s unique identity but also a lifeline for many locals during challenging economic times. However, the recently imposed sidewalk fees by the authorities threaten to dismantle this vibrant street food scene, adversely impacting both the city’s cultural heritage and struggling entrepreneurs.

The Unique Street Food Culture at Stake:

Street food is deeply rooted in the fabric of Ho Chi Minh City’s identity. The city’s sidewalks have served as a canvas for vendors to showcase their culinary talents, allowing locals and tourists alike to experience the true flavors of Vietnam. From Chao to Bánh Xèo, the street food scene offers a diverse range of affordable options, enabling people of all economic backgrounds to indulge in the city’s gastronomic delights.

Survival in Challenging Economic Times:

For many street vendors, the sidewalk stalls are not just a means of making a livelihood but a symbol of resilience amidst economic hardships. The sidewalk trade provides an entry point to entrepreneurship for those with limited resources, enabling them to earn a decent income and support their families. By charging exorbitant fees for the use of sidewalk space, the city officials are effectively squeezing the lifeblood out of these small businesses, pushing them towards closure.

The Poor Tax Dilemma:

The sidewalk fees, as proposed by the authorities, are nothing short of a ‘poor tax.’ This regressive measure disproportionately affects the vulnerable sections of society, punishing struggling entrepreneurs who relied on the sidewalks to survive. With fees … Read more


Privileged Expat Discovers the Fine Art of ‘Bumming’

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – An expat living in Ho Chi Minh City has managed to amaze onlookers by bumming a cigarette off a low-salaried Vietnamese worker. The expat, known only as Patrick, not only shamelessly took the worker’s last cigarette but then had the nerve to ask for his lighter as well.

As fate would have it, Patrick happened to stroll into a local watering hole blissfully unaware that his actions were about to unravel an astonishing display of ignorance and cultural arrogance. While blissfully drinking away on his drink, he decided to enlighten the server about a dubious piece of ‘culture.’

The underpaid Vietnamese worker, toiling away for less than a dollar an hour, stood there wide-eyed, silently weighing the pros and cons of handing over his last precious puff of relaxation. Caught in a moral dilemma, the server reluctantly relinquished his last cigarette, hoping against hope that good karma would eventually come his way. “Is this guy for real? Bumming a cigarette is bad enough, but then demanding the last one? It’s like he’s making sport out of someone’s struggle.”

Clearly, Patrick didn’t grasp the irony of his actions, nor did he comprehend the vast discrepancy between the lifestyles of expats like himself and the hardworking Vietnamese locals. While he comfortably spent his money on discounted drinks during happy hour, the server was spending his seventh consecutive day earning mere pennies.

Patrick’s unwitting ignorance and misplaced confidence were not only an affront to Vietnamese culture but a slap in the face to all workers who tirelessly strive for a better life. Perhaps little does he know, karma might just have the last laugh.

As the sun set over Ho Chi Minh City, Patrick contentedly puffed on his ill-gotten cigarette, blissfully unaware of the cultural lesson he … Read more


Expat Horrified by Trivial Inconveniences, Calls for Immediate Attention

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – In an arrogant display of self-centeredness, Jake Whinington, a self-proclaimed connoisseur of first-world problems and expat extraordinaire, has taken it upon himself to alert the world to his monumental inconveniences faced in the bustling metropolis. Whinington, who has been living in the city for a mere three months, claims his banal struggles are worthy of immediate attention from the masses.

Unsurprisingly, the devil is in the details when it comes to Whinington’s daily endeavors. His tale of woes, which includes exhausting venting sessions with fellow expats at local overpriced coffee shops, encompasses the trivial spectrum from hot weather and spicy street food to minor language barriers and inconvenient traffic jams. He believes that it is now the sacred duty of the local Vietnamese population to bend over backward to cater to his every whim and caterwaul.

“Living in Vietnam is such a nightmare,” exclaims Whinington. “I mean, can you even imagine walking down the street and not perspiring like a normal person? It’s an outrage! And don’t even get me started on the local cuisine! How dare they serve food with all this salt and sugar?”

Witnesses report that Whinington, who has a permanent scowl etched on his face, storms through crowded markets, bemoaning the locals’ inability to master the English language. In a desperate bid for attention, he even demands that street vendors provide bilingual menus and lectures innocent passersby on the virtues of the Queen’s English.

“I find it immensely frustrating that these people don’t understand me,” Whinington grumbles. “I mean, how hard is it to learn English in your spare time?”

While Whinington revels in his self-appointed role of exalted complainant, it is the traffic situation that truly sends him into a tailspin. Unfathomably, he seems unable to comprehend that a … Read more


Vietnamese Want English Refund

Vietnamese Want English Refund

Vietnamese people across the country have come to the astonishing realization that they no longer need to learn English. After decades of prioritizing English language education as a means of staying competitive on the global stage, the nation has collectively decided to abandon this futile pursuit. The mesmerizing sound of English language learning centers closing their doors can be heard echoing through the streets.

Nguyen Thuy exclaimed, “I spent years trying to learn this language, investing my hard-earned money, and sacrificing countless hours memorizing vocabulary. But all I have to show for it is a slightly better ability to order a Big Mac at McDonald’s!”

It seems that English language education has become the Black Friday of educational investments. As the Vietnamese people fill the streets, desperately searching for a refund, others are lining up to seize this golden opportunity to replace English with more practical skills. Perhaps Vietnamese language centers will soon stock their shelves with “Charm Your Way Through Life” classes or “How to Influence Your Boss Using Comedic Facial Expressions” workshops.

In a country once obsessed with English proficiency, locals have now discovered the liberation that comes with abandoning this unnecessary endeavor. They have realized that focusing on their native language is far more valuable than being able to communicate with the rest of the world.

Vietnamese musicians have taken to rhyming exclusively in Vietnamese, which has struck a chord with the nation’s youth. Gone are the days when catchy English choruses dominated the music scene, as even the trending international tunes are now translated into Vietnamese to cater to the local audience. International pop stars have even begun demanding their songs be sung exclusively in Vietnamese, recognizing the growing wave of Vietnamese pride.

Tourism has also flourished thanks to this newfound … Read more