
Vietnam’s Trucks Have Under-Ride Guards, Why Not In America?

Highway truck accidents have always been a cause for concern worldwide. Despite numerous technological advancements in automotive safety, the absence of under-ride guards on trucks remains a dangerous oversight according to reports from Frontline and ProPublica. By analyzing this striking disparity with countries like Vietnam, where regulations mandate under-ride guards, we are prompted to question the role of lobbyists and their impact on the safety of citizens.

The Risk of Under-ride Collisions

Under-ride collisions occur when a smaller vehicle, such as a car or motorcycle, becomes wedged beneath a larger truck in the event of a rear-end collision. In these scenarios, the car’s protective structure is rendered ineffective, leading to catastrophic injuries and fatalities.

Devastating Statistics

According to recent reports, under-ride accidents account for a staggering number of deaths and severe injuries each year in the United States. In another investigative piece from ProPublica, it is shown that for decades, the Department of Transportation and trucking industry have rejected safety devices meant to prevent these underride crashes.

Consider the case of AnnaLeah and Mary Karth, whose lives were cut short due to an under-ride collision. The absence of under-ride guards on the truck involved prevented them from surviving the incident. Unfortunately, this is just one of countless tragedies that could be avoided if proper safety measures were implemented.

Comparing Global Standards

Interestingly, countries like Vietnam have recognized the dangers posed by under-ride collisions. Vietnamese highway trucks have under-ride guards as a safety feature. This has significantly decreased the number of fatalities resulting from such accidents, reflecting a commitment to safeguarding citizens’ lives.

The Role of Lobbyists In The USA

Despite the evident success of under-ride guards in reducing fatalities and injuries in other countries, the United States has been slow to take action. This hesitancy can be attributed to the influence of powerful lobbyists who prioritize commercial interests over public safety. By leveraging their influence to influence policy-making processes, lobbyists effectively hinder crucial safety regulations, culminating in the loss of innocent lives and human tragedy. Hence, daily mass shootings.

Every country has its own safety issues, and road safety in Vietnam is no gold standard. As citizens, it is crucial to raise awareness and hold accountable key stakeholders, including lawmakers and regulatory bodies. Only by challenging the status quo and demanding change can we hope to rectify grievous oversights, and put an end to preventable accidents and safeguarding the lives of countless individuals and families.

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