By Nguyen Ayi
It was a beautiful day in Ho Chi Minh City, and my family had decided to take a road trip to Vung Tau Beach. Like many middle-class families, we were excited to take a break from our daily routine and capture some Instagram-worthy pictures.
As we drove through the winding roads, we sipped on our Highland’s Coffee plastic cups and enjoyed the scenic views. However, as soon as we arrived at the beach, it was clear that our priorities were not aligned with nature.
My wife and kids quickly took out their phones and started taking selfies, making sure to capture the perfect angle and lighting. As they posed, they didn’t seem to notice the plastic cups they had brought with them, which they carelessly left on the beach.
After taking our photos, we got back in their car and drove home. We didn’t seem to notice the garbage we had left behind, or the harm we had caused to the environment. We didn’t swim or enjoy the beach because of all the trash, and we were mainly there to get a good photo for our Facebook profiles.
This scene is unfortunately all too common in Vietnam, where the desire for social media validation often comes at the expense of the environment. While middle-class families may have the means to travel and enjoy their leisure time, it’s important to remember that we all share this planet and must take care of it for future generations.
So next time you plan a road trip, remember to pack a reusable water bottle and a trash bag, and leave the beauty of nature just as you found it. Your Instagram followers may not be impressed, but the planet will thank you.