By Nguyen Ayi
When it comes to phone etiquette, there are some universal rules that everyone follows. Don’t shout into your phone on a crowded train. Don’t blast your music out loud in a library. And for the love of all that is good and holy, don’t take a call during a movie.
But what if we told you that there’s a place where all these rules go out the window? A place where playing your phone loudly on speaker is not only accepted, but practically encouraged?
Welcome to Vietnam, where the sound of phones ringing and music blasting is as common as the smell of pho in the air. Here, you don’t have to worry about bothering other people with your phone calls or music choices. In fact, if you’re not playing your phone loudly, you might as well be a hermit living under a rock.
So why is Vietnam so obsessed with loud phones? Well, it’s all about the Vietnamese people’s friendly nature. They want to share their lives with everyone around them, whether it’s Baby Shark on repeat or the details of their latest doctor’s appointment.
And let’s be real here – privacy is overrated. Who needs it when you can hear your neighbor’s entire conversation with their mom about what they had for breakfast? It’s like getting free entertainment without even trying.
But don’t think you can just whip out your phone and start blaring your music anywhere you want. Go ahead and let your phone play loudly on speaker. Who knows – you might even make some new friends who share your love for K-pop or Taylor Swift.
But overall, the Vietnamese people’s love for loud phones is just another example of their outgoing and friendly nature. So the next time you’re in Vietnam, embrace the culture and let your phone play loudly on speaker. Who knows – you might even become a local celebrity with your killer music taste.