
Use More Plastic Straws

By Nguyen Ayi

As the world continues to grapple with the plastic pollution crisis, one brave coffee shop owner in Vietnam has taken a bold stand: plastic straws for every drink, whether you want one or not.

“Look, we all know plastic is bad for the environment,” said the owner, who asked to remain anonymous. “But hear me out: plastic straws are just so darn convenient. And they make the drink taste better, somehow.”

Despite protests from customers and environmental groups, the coffee shop owner has refused to budge on his straw policy. “We’re just doing our part to keep the world turning,” he said.

Some customers have attempted to bring their own reusable straws, but they are promptly confiscated at the door. “We can’t risk any contamination,” the owner explained.

The coffee shop has seen a surge in business since implementing the policy, with customers flocking from far and wide to experience the convenience of a plastic straw. “I never realized how much I needed a straw until now,” said one satisfied customer.

Environmentalists have criticized the move, pointing out the devastating impact of plastic pollution on marine life and ecosystems. But the coffee shop owner remains defiant. “Sure, we might be killing the planet,” he said. “But at least we’re doing it in style.”

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