By Joe Fotalattee
In an exclusive to The Beat, publisher Pete Blare admits that The Beat has no original reporting.
“In many ways, newspapers are yesterday’s internet, I like to think of The Beat as yesterday’s, yesterday’s internet”, Blare said with the confidence of a mountain climbing goat. “We are already getting over 5,000 unique hits per month, and my mom is dead so it can’t be her.”
Blare says several English outlets are doing exceptional journalism and “why not rehash their reporting?” He thinks a new provocative headline or explanation between the lines is enough to fool the general public that the site isn’t another blog in the wasteland, but an actual media outlet.
“I’ve been self-employed forever, so The Beat was just an attempt to fill a recent gap on my resume,” stated Blare.
The process was explained simply. First, they run some news articles through a translation application, then they attempt to re-write them in a Grammarly window. “We are essentially the ChatGTP of reporting, and that seems pretty hot right now,” Blare said with the enthusiasm of a Bui Vien massage gal luring in customers.
He views the cutting and pasting of existing content as extremely competitive. “There are very few outlets going outside of this model, like Saigoneer, Vietcera, Troi Tre, and VnExpress.” Blare says they are living in the past sending reporters to events, and that it is counter-intuitive to all the YouTube experts rehashing their content.
“They’ll never survive if they don’t adapt!”